Friday, August 21, 2009

my apologies to future rita

i keep screwing up your life. it's not intentional... but i figure you'll be better equip to deal with these coming issues than i am right now. at least i hope so.


-present-day rita

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

i keep coming back to this.

"Always follow your emotions. If-in the uncertainty of the moment-you feel the urge to act in any particular way, do it. You may be embarrassed, made uncomfortable, or otherwise regret your actions. But-so long as you remain loyal to the emotions that compel you--you can't go too far wrong. It is impossible to live life completely without regrets, but if you recognize the validity of your feelings (and if your actions are in concert with them), then your regrets will never be the grievous melancholy of a heart not allowed to express itself."
- peter kelly

thanks, pk.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

harnessing my inner herione


why i'm choosing to liken myself to the beloved Pilipino herione, i don't know.

but she is pretty kick-ass.

fierce, if you will.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


death to the 24 lbs i regained from what i had originally lost last summer.

ah... the program hurts. so. good.

need. water.

plyo - "the mother of all p90x workouts"

day 2. done.