So the program also allows you to guestimate steps per activity... there are a few in here that i may engage in:
Activity Steps/Minute
*Aerobic dancing (low impact) 115
*Aerobics (intense) 190
*Aerobic step training, 4" step (beginner) 145
*Backpacking (no load) 155
*Backpacking with 10 pound load 180
Backpacking with 30 pound load 235
Badminton 150
Basketball (game) 220
Basketball (leisurely, non-game) 130
Bicycling, 10 mph (6 minutes/mile) 125
*Bowling 55
Canoeing, 2.5 mph 75
Cross-country snow skiing (leisurely) 155
Cross-country snow skiing (moderate) 220
Cross-country snow skiing (intense) 330
Cycling, 15 mph (5 minutes/mile) 200
*Cycling, 5 mph 55
*Dancing (fast) 175
*Dancing (non-contact) 100
Dancing (slow) 55
Elliptical jogger (fast) 270
Elliptical jogger (medium) 200
Gardening (heavy) 155
Gardening (moderate) 90
Golfing (with a cart) 70
Handball 230
Housework 90
Ice skating (competitive) 170
Ice skating (leisurely) 95
Judo (competitive) 170
Mopping 85
Mowing 135
Painting 80
Ping Pong 90
Racquetball 205
Roller skating (moderate) 150
Rowing (leisurely) 75
Rowing machine 180
Running 8 mph (7.5 minutes/mile) 305
Running 10 mph (6 minutes/mile) 350
Scrubbing the floor 140
Scuba diving 140
Shopping for groceries 60
Skipping rope 285
Snow shoveling 195
Snow skiing, downhill 130
Soccer (competitive) 195
Squash 205
Stair climber machine 160
Stair climbing 140
*Swimming (25 yrds/minute) 120
Swimming (50 yards/minute) 225
Swimming (75 yards/min) 290
Tennis (doubles) 110
Tennis (singles) 160
*Vacuuming 75
Volleyball (game) 120
Volleyball (leisurely) 70
*Washing the car 75
Water Skiing 160
*Waxing the car 100
Weight training (40 sec between sets) 255
Weight training (90sec. Between sets) 125
*Window Cleaning 75
Did you see how I marked swimming and cycling?! Yeah... I'm gonna learn how to do these things this summer. *GASP-ritadidn'tknowhowtodothesethingsbefore?*
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