Wednesday, January 20, 2010

there's gotta be more... than wanting more

so i asked my sister if she wanted to train for the sf marathon with me. she declined, and then she told me that sometimes, i dream too big.

here, i thought that setting an actual goal for myself was a good thing. it's attainable and there are sure to be other benefits along the way.

a part of me got defensive and tried to justify why i have my eyes set on the marathon, and then i stopped myself, walked into the next room, and went back to doing my work. i felt defeated. sad. alone.

i've been having a lot of these moments with myself lately. i'm not really sure i know what i need right now, so it makes seeking some kind of consolation hard. sigh.

all other issues can take a number. let me just get through this project and allow my foot to heal and i bet things will turn around again.


diana.grace said...

I think it's important to dream big.

Sure sometimes reality doesn't synch up with expectation, but I think it's more about the hope and the passion. Anyway, let's say for example that you do train as hard as you can and find that you can only do a half marathon. You can still do a marathon later. That's just an example though, totes rooting for you!

But anyway its important to keep dreams alive and keep reaching for it.

Have you ever read the Alchemist?

"...When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true".

Believe it.

Rita said...

thanks, d.

Richelle said...

agree w/ diana. dreaming doesn't and should not have limits. go girl, go.

your choice of words intrigued me though. something about it seems like this is almost all cerebral and logical when i'm positive there's more to it. i'm not sure if i'm making any sense, but here...let me pick out words that you used: goal, attainable, benefits, defensive, justify, consolation, "take a number".

i could be waaay off on this, so feel free to just throw this out the window if i am, but maybe you're "having a lot of these moments" because you're thinking too much about it? i say if you're stressing over it, just remove all logic and go with the gut feeling. lose all expectations and see where it takes you. almost always more fun that way.

good luck, rita!! you can do it!